Friday, May 1, 2009

My therapy

This is Dylan, age 8.5 months, my joy and my therapy. I get to keep him every Thursday and Friday. Today as I struggled with the heartbreak of a fractured friendship, Dylan's smiles, hugs and dependence was my therapy.

I can't even imagine life without my two grandbabies. They add perspective, total love and devotion, not to mention a wonderful distraction.

Only time will heal this broken relationship.


  1. Kids have a way of making everything okay again. I don't have any little ones around but I do have my furbabies. Even though kids and animals are two different things, they both give us that certain joy and unconditional love when the whole world seems wrong.

    (((hugs))) Ann, please know I care:)

  2. There's nothing like unconditional love to mend a broken heart.

  3. My grand-babies are teens now (some even older), yet they bring such joy to me.
    Emily spent every weekend and most vacations in our house for the first dozen years of her life.
    I understand the joy of these little ones. I am so glad you are finding them too.

  4. Lovely post, lovely children.

  5. As my mama lay dying in the nursing home, I held her wrinkled hand for hours, every day. Then I would go home and hold my granddaughter's hand- she was 2 at the time. Tiny, brand new hand, full of promise! Those little ones bring healing to your spirit and joy to your soul! I'm glad they are there for you, dear Ann- and that you get to be there for them as well!
    As for the fracture- God heals all wounds. We who love you are hear for you, but so is God and I pray for an annointing of His super-glue over you both. When He heals, you come back stronger than you were before you broke. I pray for that kind of healing- His kind.

  6. Yikes!
    Of course I meant here for you...

  7. With a little time, fractures usually heal pretty nicely. This one will too. Give it some time.


  8. Can you adopt nieces and nephews:)?



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