Monday, March 2, 2009

Snowy day

We did indeed get a beautiful snowfall. To some, it was a very modest snow, but to my TX and CA friends, it was significant.

It snowed all night and a bit today, creating a fairy land all around me. As for me, I stayed safe, sound and warm inside my house, enjoying the magnificence of God's creation and in the peace and quiet of the day.


  1. My mother used to use the same expression "fairy land" too. I love a beautiful snowfall, especially when I lived in the country. It was so quiet there and I could really get into the peacefulness of it all. Not so much now that I am in town living next to a lumber yard.

  2. Sure looks like a lot of snow to me. It really is very beautiful. Of course staying inside and warm and cozy is the only way it can be enjoyed.

  3. beautiful pictures. i agree, it's best when it can be enjoyed from inside.


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