Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Washington, DC area is expecting significant snowfall tonight. That means grocery stores are crowded and hardware stores are full of last minute shovel and salt shoppers.

I on the other hand am looking forward to it. Having grown up in this area, I still remember the excitement of a snow day off from school. They would never make the school closing announcement the night before. I had to set my alarm for 0-dark-thirty and wait in eager anticipation for the list to be read.

But it was worth it when I finally heard "Arlington County public schools will be closed today." Yippee! Turn the radio off, roll over and enjoy some sweet slumber.

I remember one time during high school (that would be mid-60's) that school was cancelled for a whole week. Daddy, the ever prepared and resourceful Marine, never let snow keep him in. He managed to stock up on hot dogs, chips, drinks, marshmallows and lots of other snacks because my basement was the youth HQ. Kids would walk to my house, plop in front of the fireplace, and then plot our next sledding adventure, only to repeat the process only this time we came back to the best smelling hot dogs and hot chocolate and cookies or brownies, courtesy of Mother, I've ever smelled!

So, I look forward to the world (well, at least my part of the world) standing still for a day, while the snow plows do their job. I will sit by the fire and enjoy the beauty of a fresh fallen snow and reminisce. Then I will get my grand kids over here (they live 3 houses away!!!) and cook hot dogs and drink hot chocolate together.

Oh wait! I don't have any hot dogs!! Gotta go join the crazy shoppers to get my hot dogs!


  1. Gotta love a snow day. Enjoy it!

    BTW, Walmart has their swimming pools on clearance. We picked one up for $79 today. It was a $200 pool originally:)

  2. great memories.
    I went to school before snow days were invented

  3. Never in my life have I experienced a snow day. :) Enjoy it.

  4. lori has no idea what she's missing. enjoy!!!


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